Previous Publications
"Life's Double Thread" can be found at and "We Are..." 2023, "Each Blade of Grass" and "Right Where You Are," were published by The Daily Word in 2022 and 2021.
This article in The Phoenix Spirit,"Hiking Her Way To Healing," describes enhanced self-esteem and self-worth after a woman hikes the Superior Hiking Trail alone in northern Minnesota.
"Bellringing: How Jack Gives Back" is a recovery story in The Phoenix Spirit. After interviewing Jack, a recovering alcoholic, I wrote an article highlighting his experience as a bellringer for the Salvation Army. I've written numerous other articles for this magazine.
"Mom's Boxed-Up Quilt," published in the Fall 2019 issue of Art Quilting Studio, describes the fifty-year odyssey the quilt squares took from initial family fabrics to a finished Log Cabin Quilt.
An essay entitled "Canoeing a Stretch of the Mississippi River" appeared in Open Rivers Journal in 2018. Open Rivers Journal is an online journal of the The Friends of the Mississippi River. Visit:
A teaching essay appeared in The Faculty Focus, and The Teaching Professor. An essay regarding the writing process was published by The Minnesota Women's Press. Essays on sewing as a creative craft were published in Threads Magazine, and Belle Armoire: Art to Wear.
I study Swedish, practice yoga, and enjoy renovating vintage
clothing as well as resumes.